Use Cases

SEMPRE technology simultaneously addresses three core challenges for both commercial and military digital infrastructure: security & resiliency; interoperability; simplicity.

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Controlling leaky data maintains OpSec

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.


Personal and issued smart devices can leave digital exhaust associated with the use of public networks or cloud-based systems. This compromises OpSec.


Control the digital exhaust with a secure closed-loop private network that keeps data transmission and processing on-base without sacrificing functionality.

How SEMPRE solves the problem

SEMPRE provides secure, self-contained 5G networks and local cloud services that can operate independently of public networks. This creates a secured environment where data is processed and stored on-base, effectively managing the operational security footprint. This system allows the secure integration of smart devices into daily operations.

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Protected Satellite Communication

Unblock Interoperability for First Responders


First responders rely on outdated comms systems, which are often incompatible among multiple teams, or new tech that comes with a steep learning curve. This hampers effective communication during emergencies.


Make modern smart devices secure and interoperable, allowing first responders to depend on familiar devices and applications for mission-critical communications.

How SEMPRE Solves the Problem

SEMPRE provides an easy-to-use gateway that connects old communication systems with smartphones. By bringing IP traffic into a unified platform, SEMPRE bridges the interoperability gap, enabling seamless communication and collaboration for first responders.

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Anywhere Edge

Maintain Revenue Continuity During Disruptions


Downtime costs money. Essential operations such as credit card transactions depend on reliable internet and cloud-based systems, which are vulnerable during emergencies and disasters.


Ensure continuous operation of essential business functions, such as transactions and data management, even during infrastructure failures or disasters.

How SEMPRE Solves the Problem

SEMPRE products can operate independently of traditional internet and cloud services, ensuring that large retail stores maintain operational continuity when it matters most. Our solutions provide secure, disaster-resistant communication and data handling that keep business functions—and revenue—running smoothly.

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Permanent Eco-friendly Connectivity

Build an Oasis in Digital Deserts


Communities located in a digital desert lack access to reliable cellular connectivity. This limits daily life impacting communication, navigation, entertainment, and even educational opportunities.


Connect the community with a simple, affordable solution that doesn’t need fiber or costly development by telecommunication companies.

How SEMPRE Solves the Problem

SEMPRE products are fast and easy to install, requiring no specialized knowledge. Our Shared Access solution allow communities and businesses to subsidize their costs while extending vital internet service to neighboring areas lacking the infrastructure for low-cost internet. The community gains access to essential online services and communication, addressing their diverse needs.

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Permanent Eco-friendly Connectivity