Former HHS CIO Jose Arrieta Joins SEMPRE as Strategic Advisor

Sep 7, 2022

Former HHS CIO Jose Arrieta Joins SEMPRE as Strategic Advisor.

Arrieta to help guideSEMPRE vision of protecting critical infrastructure.


WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept 7, 2022 –, the technology company created to secure critical infrastructure, today welcomed Jose Arrieta asa strategic advisor for federal acquisition.

Arrieta—a respected thought leader in disruptive emergingtechnology, as well as a federal acquisitions expert—will leverage his morethan 18 years of experience in executive roles in government and commercialindustry to advise SEMPRE on itsgovernment strategy. SEMPRE will also draw upon Arrieta’s recent experience inthe government healthcare industry—where vast amounts of data are consumed andstored. His unique background will also help ensure the product offering is themost secure and private system available.

“Jose understands the importance of protecting informationin order to maintain national security and sovereignty,” said SEMPRE CEO RobSpalding. “He recognizes that SEMPRE’s mission to create a secure and highlyavailable private mobile infrastructure is incredibly valuable to the nation,as well as our allies and partners.”

Arrieta was most recently former chief information officerand chief data officer for the Department of Health and Human Services. Underhis leadership, HHS transformed its network to meet the pandemic-induced demandof virtual services. As CIO, Arrieta set up HHS Protect—a health platformcreated to track national pandemic data from more than 8,000 hospitals to limitCOVID-19’s spread. He oversaw $6.3 billion in technology investments, as wellas the cybersecurity for the largest payment platform and repository of data,worldwide. At HHS, he incorporated both innovation and savvy financial practiceto utilize emerging technology to hit his set goals of lowering operationalcosts, modernizing IT surrounding the network and data protection, as well ashardening HHS’s cyber defense. The CIO’s office reduced HHS’s operating costsby approximately $20 million and increased its customer service satisfactionrating by more than 40 percent. HHS represents 24 percent of US GDP.

Arrieta has also served in multiple executive roles in theUnited States Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Treasury,Department of Homeland Security and General Services Administration. Arrietawas the chief acquisition executive, chief grants official and chief procurementofficer for an agency that spent more than $850 billion per year in contractsand grants.

Arrieta is also the founder and CEO of Imagineer, a customer-centricIT company which empowers entrepreneurs and innovators by providing traditionalbusiness expertise enhanced by a deep understanding of modern technologyutilization.


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SEMPRE is the only true technology company created to protect and secure access to our most critical resource: information. To accomplish this, CEO Rob Spalding and a team of security and digital infrastructure experts set out to tackle every aspect of what modern communications should offer users: security, resiliency, high-performing edge compute and survivability.

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